We now have a look at the chemical strucucture of glucose and ribose. Both of these substances are monosaccharides (simple sugars)
Polyaccharides are long chains of glucose. Depending on the type of glucose used (alpha or beta) and the branching, different polysaccharides can be formed.
Disachharides form when two monosachharides are joined by a glycosidic bond. This is a dehydration (condensation) reaction, which forms a molecule of water.
There are three different kinds of lipids: steroids, phospholipids and triglycerides. Steroids are chemically very different from phospholipids and triglycerides.
The Bodymass index (BMI) is the mass of a person (kg) divided by the square of the height of the person. The units are kg/m2. Larger people can have a higher mass without being considered over-weight.